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Shark Attack 3: Megalodon (2002)
Original Title : Shark Attack 3: MegalodonRelease : 2002-11-26
Rating : 4.3 by 59 users
Runtime : 99 min.
Genre : Horror
Studio : Martien Holdings A.V.V.
Country : Israel
Language : French
Keywords : shark attack, shark, serie b, megalodon, tiburón
Tagline : The terror has surfaced...
Stars : John Barrowman, Jenny McShane, Ryan Cutrona, Bashar Rahal, George Stanchev, Pavlin Kemilev, Plamen Manassiev
When two researchers discover a colossal shark's tooth off the Mexican coast their worst fears surface - the most menacing beast to ever rule the waters is still alive and mercilessly feeding on anything that crosses its path. Now they must hunt the fierce killer and destroy it... before there is no one left to stop it
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Watch Shark Attack 3: Megalodon (2002) Online Free Official Teaser Trailer
Reviews :
***Grade B “Jaws” rip-off is mildly amusing, but overall meh***
Evidence of a prehistoric shark is discovered near a resort town on the west coast of Mexican. A beach patrol chief (John Barrowman) and a paleontologist (Jenny McShane) team-up to see if the megalodon actually exists. It does and it’s feeding on beachgoers.
“Shark Attack 3: Megalodon” (2002) is not as bad as armchair critics say or as amusing as its supporters say in a “so bad it’s good” way. It’s somewhere in between. Jenny McShane returns from the first flick (1999), but the film’s not as good. Not that the first one was great or anything, but at least it had an original plot. This one rips-off “Jaws” too much, including the similar-sounding shark music. It’s also predictable. For instance, if the initial megalodon discovered is a baby, what do ya think that means? Nevertheless, the scene done at the 1-hour mark is effective.
On the female front, Jenny’s three years older here and not as curvy or alluring. There are several glimpses of bikini-clad women in the periphery but they’re generally second rate with maybe one or two brief exceptions.
The movie was shot in Bulgaria, but the Mexican flag is shown in as many scenes as possible to convince viewers that it’s Mexico. I didn’t have a problem with this because the scenery was a decent stand-in for Mexico, it’s just that most of the actors are Eastern Europeans who are badly dubbed or speak with heavy accents.
The obvious CGI is unsurprisingly cartoonish, but the actual shark footage is good, filmed off the coast of South Africa. The main protagonists are decent and play it straight while the heavies are too over-the-top sinister. The few unintentional laughs don’t come until the final act.
The film runs 1 hour, 39 minutes.
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Shark attack 3 megalodon full movie john barrowman, ryan cutrona shark attack 3 megalodon is the second sequel to shark attack, starring john barrowman and ryan cutrona, directed by david worth Shark attack 3 megalodon full movie youtube watch shark attack 3 megalodon full movie in hd visit httponlinehdmoviezclubmovie18015 when two researchers discover a colossal sharks tooth off Amazon watch shark attack 3 megalodon prime video shark attack 1 war lange zeit der für mich wichtigste teil den ich wollteda dieser mir sehr gefiel,wollte ich auch die beiden fortsetzungen sehenteil 2 war für mich nicht so gut wie der erste aber teil 3 war dafür ganz gut gelungennatürlich darf man von einen bmovie nicht zuviel erwarten aber in diesen filmen geht es wenigstens um haiangriffe mit normalen haien oder eben wie in shark
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